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oil & gas


Flowers Davis PLLC, a multi-disciplinary law firm uniquely poised to guide oil and gas companies through the diverse landscape of regulatory, operational, transactional, and litigation challenges they encounter.

Led by Senior Partner Celia Flowers and Partner Rob Knight, our Oil and Gas Section is equipped to handle all your oil and gas matters. Celia Flowers' quadruple-Board Certification in Oil, Gas and Mineral Law, Real Estate Law, Property Owner Association Law, and Civil Litigation, along with our team's practical industry experience, ensures unparalleled efficacy in representing oil and gas companies and entities with substantial interests.

Whether you're an upstream company focused on exploration and production or a midstream company dealing with transportation and storage, our tailored professional services address your unique needs. Trust Flowers Davis as your unwavering advocate for success and prosperity in the dynamic world of oil and gas.


The Flowers Davis team of Oil and Gas Title Attorneys specializes in providing original, division order and drilling title opinions in an efficient and expedient manner. From our offices in Tyler, Texas, we work closely with field and in-house landmen to prepare oil and gas title opinions for onshore properties in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Pennsylvania, determining existing ownership in surface rights, mineral rights, royalty rights and oil and gas leasehold rights. Three of our oil and gas attorneys are Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Oil, Gas and Mineral Law, and several have prior landman experience.

Through our affiliated company, RecordsOnline, landmen and others can search county clerk records 24/7 from the comfort of your home. You can even sign up for notifications across multiple counties to keep up with specific transactions, properties, or parties.

The above practice area description is for general informational purposes only and describes the range of services offered by the firm. Individual attorneys may offer representation in a subset of this practice area. See individual attorney profiles for their specific practice areas.

oil & gas title opinion attorneys

about oil & gas litigation law

Oil and gas disputes are complex and may be governed by state tort law, real estate law, and a range of other acts, laws and regulations, depending on location and other factors. The Oil and Gas Litigators at Flowers Davis are experienced at litigating matters including royalty disputes, contract disputes, injunctions, and surface damage claims. Members of the team also specialize in matters related to right of way acquisition, including condemnation for pipeline companies, power companies and cities. Our clients have included:

  • Major Oil and Gas Companies
  • Pipeline Companies
  • Service Providers and Contractors
  • Owners of Oil and Gas interests
  • Landowners

The above practice area description is for general informational purposes only and describes the range of services offered by the firm. Individual attorneys may offer representation in a subset of this practice area. See individual attorney profiles for their specific practice areas.


Our Transactions, Acquisitions & Development Attorneys have negotiated, drafted and successfully completed acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures, sales and development transactions for the oil and gas industry. Many transactions involve complex financial analysis, due diligence, and environmental concerns.

Flowers Davis also provides title examination services in support of financing transactions and acquisitions, providing detailed information on encumbrances that could affect the financing, acquisition or development of a property. We also prepare documents and revise various instruments including leases, unitization agreements, operating agreements, AMI agreements, farm-outs, assignments, surface use agreements, and easements.

The above practice area description is for general informational purposes only and describes the range of services offered by the firm. Individual attorneys may offer representation in a subset of this practice area. See individual attorney profiles for their specific practice areas.



Getting oil and gas to market can sometimes create issues between energy companies and landowners, even when the pipeline companies operate as common carriers or as gas utilities and have the right of eminent domain. Disputes can arise between the taking entity (condemnor) and the landowner (condemnee) over how much compensation is due, or in some cases whether the entity even has a right to take the property.

The eminent domain process and subsequent litigation is unique in the litigation world. This rapidly changing area of the law is a combination of administrative law and litigation and thus requires a full understanding of the nuances involved in this type of legal matter compared to other types of litigation. Flowers Davis attorneys have over 70 years of experience effectively representing both plaintiffs and defendants in local, intrastate and interstate eminent domain / condemnation proceedings in both State and Federal court. We regularly represent oil and gas pipeline companies, transportation departments and cities in these proceedings. We have completed pipeline projects throughout Texas.

Flowers Davis attorneys assist clients with:

  • Pre-Condemnation Planning and Negotiations
  • Injunctive Relief to prevent Interference or Access Property
  • Cooperation with Appraisers
  • Preparation of Litigation Documents and Property Filings
  • Special Commissioners’ Hearings
  • De Novo Appeals to the Trial Court
  • Appellate Review of Trial Court Decisions

The above practice area description is for general informational purposes only and describes the range of services offered by the firm. Individual attorneys may offer representation in a subset of this practice area. See individual attorney profiles for their specific practice areas.


Our team of skilled attorneys provides legal representation in Financial Services, Insurance, Oil & Gas, and Real Estate industries, along with nineteen practice areas of law. Let us help you navigate legal challenges with real-world experience and results.

oil & gas news

Celia Flowers Provides Continuing Legal Education to Colleagues

TYLER, TX (June 30, 2022) — Celia Flowers is one of 21 attorneys who will be lecturing at the Oil, Gas and Mineral Title Examination Course in Houston, Texas on June 30-July 1, 2022. Flowers will be presenting a paper she authored entitled “Examining the ‘Life’ of a Correction Instrument after Broadway Bank and Concho”.…
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Flowers Davis Partner Rob Knight Addresses East Texas Landmen

TYLER, TX (September 16, 2021) ¬¬– Flowers Davis Partner Rob Knight was the keynote speaker for the East Texas Association of Petroleum Landmen’s September luncheon at Willow Brook Country Club. Rob updated the crowd on the legal issues surrounding who needs to sign legal documents when death, divorce or various business entities are involved. The…
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Celia Flowers is Featured Speaker at ETX-ALTA Spring Seminar

Celia Flowers was honored to be the featured speaker at the East Texas Association of Lease and Title Analysts (ETX-ALTA) Spring Seminar held in Tyler, Texas on May 29, 2014.  Topics covered in the half-day seminar were: Basic Principles of Homestead Rights, Separate Property, and Community Property Probate/Heirship/Business Entities – Who Needs to Sign? Pitfalls…
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oil & gas publications

Horizontal Wells Crossing Unit Lines: From Permitting to the Division of Royalties

2017 EAST TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM LANDMEN SPRING SEMINAR, “Horizontal Wells Crossing Unit Lines: From Permitting to the Division of Royalties”, April 2017, presented by Melanie S. Reyes and Rob Knight. Based on a paper co-authored by Celia Flowers and Melanie Reyes.
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Who Owns the Lithium? The Wild, Wild West of the Future

2025 “Who Owns the Lithium? The Wild, Wild West of the Future”, paper by Celia C. Flowers & Melanie S. Reyes-Rawls, published in TEXAS STATE BAR – OIL, GAS & ENERGY SECTION LAW JOURNAL, Spring 2025 issue, and in LANDMAN Magazine, March/April 2025 issue NOTE: There is a bill in front of the Texas Senate…
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Ethical Considerations: Trilogy of Working as Lawyers and Landmen for the Good of the Client

2018 HOUSTON ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LANDMEN FALL SEMINAR, “Ethical Considerations: Trilogy of Working as Lawyers and Landmen for the Good of the Client”, September 2018, presented by Rob Knight and Jordan Mullins. Based on a paper authored by Celia Flowers.
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